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Floor's first three single artworks were created before Indebrand came into existence. However, as time passed, we established a fruitful collaboration and maintained communication regarding all of Floor's music releases. The most recent collaboration was for the music video, where Indebrand took charge of the entire art direction and production.
stils eitje3.png
Scherm­afbeelding 2023-02-06 om 19.48.05.png
banner floor blauw.jpg
banner floor paars.jpg
Scherm­afbeelding 2023-02-17 om 13.44.48.png

Year: 2021 - present

Product: Artworks, concepts, production

Art director: Anne Pater

Styling: Anne Pater

Photographer: Lieke Alblas

Graphic design: Mark van der Sluis

Director: Wolf

Floor and Anne are working together on the following aspects:
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